A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ephesians 1:3-23

Last year was an exciting time, my youngest daughter started preschool. As a mom, there are tons of mixed emotions when your children start spending half of the day with someone other than you. But she was excited and I was excited for her. Never had she been more excited than when she was chosen to feed the classroom fish. A small job but for a 4 year old, it seemed the greatest honor. She was very proud of the job she had been given. Have you ever been chosen for something? How did it make you feel?

Before we read this weeks passage, let's look at several words that will surface and perhaps need a little explanation. Paul uses 5 words in this passage that are filled with rich context and definition: Chosen - God's chosen people are the Jews, starting with Abraham in Genesis 12 and because of Christ's sacrifice today, you and I can be part of God's chosen people. Once you believe in and receive Christ you are Adopted into His family. God had you in mind before you knew Him. God is at work in the lives of His precious creation, wooing us to Him, He predestines that all of His creation would come to Him. Forgiven: Only God is able to remove our guilt and sin. He is the only one who can judge us. God sent Jesus Christ to be the final sacrifice and to be our freedom from the penalty that we justly deserve because of our sin. Through Jesus Christ our sins can be forgiven. Inheritance: Like the concept of inheritance today, once we accept Christ and are adopted in to His family, forgiven of our sins, we are partakers in His inheritance, an eternal inheritance.

Let's see how these terms play out in our passage. Read Ephesians 1:3-23 (you can follow the link for the passage).

Verses 4-8 discuss spiritual blessings that are given in Christ. What are some of these?
What do these blessings mean to you?

Verse 4 says that God's intent is for us to be holy and blameless, what does that mean? How do we become holy?

Verses 9-14 go on to discuss God's purpose, plan and pleasure. What do these mean? And do you know what God's purpose is for your life? Have you accepted that and starting moving towards the destination He has for you?

When we get to the final verses of this passage, we find Paul pouring his heart out in prayer for his friends in Ephesus. What specific things does he pray for them? How would it make you feel to know that someone is praying like this for you? Do you have a prayer warriar in your life?

Paul also speaks of "the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way." What do you think Paul means by fullness? Do we live life knowing that God has filled us with His very presence, that he goes with us? How has God's power been demonstrated in your life?

As you go through this week, think about how God is working in your life. The ultimate joy of salvation is not what He has saved us from, but what He has saved us for. He has given us new life for a purpose, for His purpose. Are you responding to His plan for your life?

Adapted from: Lectio Divina Bible Studies: Listening for God through Ephesians.
Heer, Ken. Lectio Divina Bible studies: Listening for God through Ephesians. Indianapolis, IN: Wesleyan Publishing House and Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 2006.


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