A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Valentine Dinner & A Story

The Women of Hope

A Valentine
Dinner & A Story

Please join us for this night of food, fun and inspiration!
Men are welcome and encouraged to attend
this special Dinner & A Story
where one couple will
share their story
of faith & love!

Friday, February 22, 2008
6:30 p.m.
at the
Spaghetti Warehouse
42 S. Superior St.
Toledo, Ohio

COST: $15.00 per person
(includes bread, salad, choice of entrée, beverage, tax & gratuity)

As always there will be door prizes!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

How did the Church grow so...

fast in the beginning?

"The enormous numerical growth of the church in its first centuries lead us to the question of what methods it used to achieve such growth. The answer may surprise some modern Christians, for the ancient church knew nothing of 'evangelistic services' or 'revivals.' On the contrary, in the early church worship centered on communion, and only baptized Christians were admitted to its celebration. Therefore evangelism did not take place in church services, but rather...in kitchens, shops and markets...most converts were made by anonymous Christians who witness led others to their faith"

~ Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity

When the church began, almost 2000 years ago, most people were won to Christ by nameless Christians, not the apostles, not the famous names we all know. But those who cared enough to share their faith. It would be comparable to us saying, that the majority of people today aren't led to the Lord by Joel Olsteen or Beth Moore, but by us (the nameless Christians) sharing our story of God's faithfulness to us (our testimony!)

WOW!! What a thought! You and I have the opportunity to witness and lead others to their faith in Christ! In fact, we are called to do it. We won't all be great authors or phenomenal speakers, however, we all have a phenomenal story of faith. No matter how you may feel about your story, God WILL use it for His glory! He will bless it and produce fruit! Just as He did in the first century church!!! Share it and give God the glory for who you are and what He has done!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What would you say...

to encourage this generation?

Please pause the music in the blue box to the right side before playing the video.

"Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O Lord! Teach me Your statues." Psalm 119:11-12

Psalm 119. For those who attended our Christmas Celebration, have you begun to read this wonderful portion of the Bible? Have you begun to see just why David was a man after God's own heart? Have you started asking God to make YOU a woman after His own heart?

What can we do to encourage this generation? Well, like Pastor Tipton preached this Sunday, we can begin by telling. We can encourage through our story of faith! No matter how imperfect you may feel your story is - God has promised to use it for His glory!

I had a video moments this week, much like the one Pastor T shared this Sunday. Terry Bach (our church webmaster) stopped by to pick up something. While he was here, my neighbor stopped by. I introduced them. I didn't introduce Terry as my friend from church. I introduced him as a friend who stopped by to take care of some things. How easy would it have been for me to say, "Hey, ______ this is Terry my friend from church and Terry this is _______, my neighbor." Pretty easy, in fact, dumbfoundly easy. I just didn't think of it!

We have to become intentional in our seed spreading. When we go out to seed our grass. We know exactly where the bald spots are, where the grass is just a little too thin. We even take the time to read the instructions to make sure, one that we have the right type of seed (shade or sun) and two, that we know the proper amount for proper growth. Once those seeds are planted, we check on every day, waiting for the first sign of green. We water it and fertilize it. Heaven forbid our grass not grow after we planted it.

Why aren't we doing this with the seeds that God gives us to plant? Why aren't we just as concerned with those spiritual seeds, as we are with the seeds in our front lawns or in our gardens?

Another example, at my gym, the manager had asked me how I knew certain people that were also members. I could have said "oh they're my friends." But I didn't, I said, "They're my friends from church." Those two extra little words sparked an hour long conversation about my faith, her faith, issues she's been dealing with. And it gave me an opportunity to encourage her to come to church and trust in God.

Ladies, I'll say it again, we have to be intentional in our seed spreading. We have to read the instructions (the Bible). If we are in the Word, we will for sure have the right type of seed to plant and with the Holy Spirit's help, we'll know just how much to plant and when. But remember, like our lawns, we have to check back on it. We have to continue to nurture those little seeds so that they have the chance to become flowers.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Secret Sister Reminder

Just a reminder...

Secret Sisters is coming back!!!
But this time with some major changes...
If you would like to be part of this fun and exciting
6 month session of the new Secret Sisters program,
you MUST attend this meeting!
Tuesday, January 22nd
6:30 pm
at Diane Thorn's home
3457 Lynnbrooke
Oregon, OH 43616
Please bring a dish to pass for dinner!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sharing Our Faith - Con't

Here are a couple more responses to "What do you do to share your faith or plant seeds in others?"

One thing that I have done to share my faith is to have a bible study at

- Jody Hamilton

We grocery shop at ALDI's alot. The other day, when I was getting breakfast ready, I opened up the carton of eggs and guess what I found? On the inside of the lid was Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." WHAT A GREAT WAY TO START YOUR DAY!!! I wonder whoever came up with this idea? A Christian farmer? This was too cool. I think we all need to start dropping little subconscious notes about our Lord. I enjoy writting 'John 3:16' in the dust or dirt anywhere I go. Maybe someone will notice.

- Melody & Steve Bancer

Rock and I have used Pastor Mark's suggestion to ask our waitress if we can
pray for any specific requests, and have had one waitress, come back before
we left, and say how much she appreciated our prayer for her daughter, and
that she had never had anyone ask if they could pray for her before with
tears in her eyes. I also have given many books, and bibles as gifts, that I felt would plant a seed, create questions, or even cause the person to seek a relationship with Christ. Last Christmas, my son and I went to a few different stores such as Walmart, Big Lots, and Value City with envelopes with a small Christmas book by Max Lacado that shared the gospel, along with a $25.00-$50.00 in each envelope. We tried to find those we felt were in need, and just walked up to them as they approached the checkout line and handed them the envelope, and said Merry Christmas, and walked away. I also wrote a personal note to them in the book. There is another book I've used at Easter time, called He Did This Just for You, a small paperback version by Max Lacado, a powerful little book, to give away with an Easter Basket, cookies, or maybe a bread. I've done this for my neighbors. Like Tim said, we have to use our voice to share our faith. It's like "show and tell". You don't get up in front of the class and just stand there silent with what you bring in, you have to "tell" to. It's not easy, and I am convicted also of not doing it enough, but I'm praying that I "tell" more often!

- Kim Donofrio

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Practical Ways We Share Our Faith

This past Sunday, Tim Jordan preached about sharing our faith not just in our actions, but also in our words. We've asked our ladies to tell us their ways of sharing their faith and planting seeds in those they meet. Here are the answers that have poured in already! If you'd like to share, you can either comment below or email me your ways to share your faith! This is our opportunity to learn from each other!

Having been in Florida this past week with my mom I had the opportunity to share my faith yet again with her. But this time it was in a new and exciting way that I truly believe planted seeds. My mom asked me why I felt that my sister drank. I told my mom the following: God has created us each to have a relationship with Him and that when we do not have that relationship with Him we search for it in differant places trying to fill that void that is with in us. I went on to explain that
people try to fill the void with drugs alcohol gambling sex, and so on. I said
that till that void is filled with a relationship with God that we will never be
satisfied and will continue to search.
– Diane Thorn

Discussion at lunch table today. Being willing to give up everything and serve Jesus in another Country. Wow what an opportunity!!
– Sue Trim

Well, I try more and more everyday to live it! That’s a race I love to run! And I find not so tiring when you’re really relying on the Holy Spirit to help. But I also do specific things. I have personalized plates “JC 4 ME” – example: a couple walked in front of me in the parking lot. I politely stopped and waved them by. He looked at my license plate and pointed it out to the woman. I use my blog www.clanmcqueary.blogspot.com by giving it to everyone I can think of – it’s a great way to let people know my heart without having to strike up those awkward conversations with them. It opens doors and has sparked good conversations after they have read. I try to give credit to God for everything.
- Sharon McQueary

I would have to say that I start by telling friends and family that I joined a new church and how much I enjoy it. Usually, they ask me questions, and that allows me to share with them how much Christ means to me, and gives me the opportunity to ask them if they would like to come visit some Sunday and see for themsleves just how friendly this church is.

- Bev Andrews

When I was in my doctor's office we were talking about what I like to do and I
told him I teach a care group. He asked me about my faith and I told him that we are a Bible based church and when you study the Bible it helps guide your life. He then told me about what he believes and we compared notes. It was great to know that he is a Christian man.
- Sharon Lestage

One of the ways we share our faith is by reading scripture and praying together as a family each night. We not only share our faith, but the events of the day which many times ends in the family laughing together. We continue to do this when any friends stay over which is usually every weekend. Before we pray, we ask our guest if they have any prayer concerns. Jonathan had a friend over Friday who had never spent the night with us before. It was neat to see him respond and take part in our family devotions.
- Kim Snyder

One way I share my faith is when people talk about good things happening I praise God and let them know that it is because of our kind Lord that these things happen.
- Heather Pottker

I have given my testimony at a womens retreat and to the congregation of the church where I use to attend. But as far as bringing it into everyday conversation I don't believe I have done that, at least not intentionally or with any knowledge that that was what I was doing.
- Karen Hollo

I "chit-chat" with store clerks/cashiers, and try to make a comment about how glad I am that they had a certain item in stock TODAY. Then, I just say to them something like, "Isn't God great? He just keeps looking out after me. " Lots of times I get very positive responses, but when I get "He ain't done jack squat for me lately", (or something to this effect), I try to take the time to "plant the seed again, and usually I ask lightly while I'm paying or acting like I can't find my money, (most of the time I'm not acting) "Oh, yeah? Why do you say that?" or " He's the only one that's never let me down. What happened to you?" In the stores that I frequent I've gotten to know some people, at least just to sincerely ask how they're doing. I can turn the conversation into a testimony just by mentioning how I adopted a son, or that my son has special needs, or that I have health issues, and that God has guided and helped me through it all. I usually try to pick up on something they've said first that I can relate to. I can't stand talking about myself, but I'm the only one I know intimately enough to tell people lots of stories on what He's done for me. Then, I just tell them I flat out wouldn't be living and standing there having a great conversation with them if it weren't for God. Then I tell them how much talking with them has blessed me, and I walk away. On the way to my car, I pray for them.

- Rene' Hamilton

Again, if you'd like to share your thoughts on sharing your faith, please comment or email us. Our prayer is that you will be able to pick up some tips or new ideas from this compilation of faith stories.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Day with Lisa Welchel

Northwest Ohio Women's Ministries Event
A Day with Lisa Welchel
You met her first on "Facts of Life" as Blair. Now you can meet her
as author and mother.
Saturday, April 12th
Lima Community Church
9 am - 1 pm
Tickets: $15.00
Please see Regina Tipton or Sharon McQueary for tickets

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


We are getting ready for the WOMEN OF FAITH INFINITE GRACE CONFERENE - July 18 & 19th - Cleveland, Ohio - The cost is $120 - this includes Friday night and all day Saturday conference, Friday night stay at the Historic Renaissance Hotel, and a luncheon on Friday. There's time for shopping or hanging out by the pool on Friday. Please reserve your space today - space is LIMITED! You can do this by giving Sharon McQueary at check for $30.00. Payment due in full by April 1st.


A Barrel of Laughs

Hey Girls! Many of you missed out on a chance to laugh your pants off! It sure was fun! Anita Renfroe is definitely a contagiously funny woman! Well, there's always next time! Just a hint of what we saw! REMEMBER PAUSE THE MUSIC TO THE RIGHT!!!!

Here's what's next for the Women of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene!

Secret Sisters is coming back!!!

But this time with some major changes...

If you would like to be part of this fun and exciting

6 month session of the new Secret Sisters program,

you MUST attend this meeting!

Tuesday, January 22nd

6:30 pm

at Diane Thorn's home

3457 Lynnbrooke

Oregon, OH 43616

Please bring a dish to pass for dinner!

Email me for more information!
Also check out the right ----> I've added our newsletter archives!

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