A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Monday, October 12, 2009

5 Conversations...

...you MUST have with your daughter!

Wednesday Nights
November 4th - December 16th
6:45 pm to 8:00 pm
Cost: $15
Sign up by emailing mcqueary1@bex.net
or in the foyer on Sunday mornings!
Check out this promo VIDEO!
PLEASE EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE DAUGHTERS! CHANCES ARE YOU ARE IN CONTACT WITH GIRLS IN SOME WAY ON A DAILY BASIS! This study can help you help them, and maybe even help you with issues you've been struggling with!
Your daughter’s growing up. The world has a lot to say to her, and she’s starting to listen. Even if she doesn’t quite know it, she needs you more than ever. It’s time for you to press in, to tell her some things she might not know—or might have forgotten—about who she is in God’s eyes.

In her latest Bible study, Vicki Courtney equips moms to have the five conversations that will empower their daughters to stand firm in the midst of a culture that would rob them of their treasured status:
  • You are more than what people see on the outside.
  • You shouldn’t be in a hurry to grow up.
  • Sex is great and worth the wait.
  • It’s okay to dream about marriage and motherhood.
  • Girls gone wild are a dime a dozen.

Just five conversations—but they could be the basis for a whole new way of relating to your daughter.

2nd & 4th Mondays of each month
9:30 - 11:30am
Hope Community Church


Open to all moms w/children birth thru elementary
For information contact Kim Donofrio at 419-693-9714.
A message from Kim:
My husband Rocco and I became members of Hope Community Church shortly after we started attending in January 2007. God has brought me to an exciting time in my life, by continuing to give me a burden for young moms, a desire to serve them, and a way to accomplish that through a new ministry called “Refresh”.
Refresh will provide relevant topics, wise counsel, child care, and what all moms need, FOOD, a full, uninterrupted breakfast.
Our mission is to share the love of Jesus Christ will ALL moms, by encouraging, and equipping them to become all God has created them to be.
I hope to have the chance to meet, and serve you, so please join us!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Christmas Shopping Trip

Saturday, December 5, 2009

You're invited to a ladies day out!

Join us as we hop on board the bus

and head two hours up into Michigan to

spend the day shopping at


This will be an all day trip!
Departing at 8 am from HCCN and returning at 11 pm.
Cost: $24 per person
Make your paid reservation TODAY!
We must have your reservation by October 25th.
Invite your girlfriends and family!

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