A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Power of Our Story

The Women of Hope present our next
Dinner & A Story
Saturday, September 20th at 5:30 pm

This is a potluck event for women! Come share in the food, fellowship, fun and door prizes!
We will have a National Renowned Christian Artist share His story of faith!

You may ask why we share our stories. Here's a brief glimpse:

"In the story of Esther in the Hebrew Bible, Mordecai learns of a plot to destroy the Jews. Haman, an officer of King Ahasuerus, plots against the Jews because Mordecai, himself a Jew, will not bow down before him as did all the other servants of the king. When Mordecai, knowing that all will be lost if the king is not alerted, charges Esther with going to the king in her role as queen to plead on behalf of the Jews, Esther shrinks from the task because she has not been summoned to speak with the king, a considerable problem since those who speak uninvited are subject to death. But Mordecai is not put off. He retells Esther's own story in a way to empower and embolden her. "Who knows?" he says. "Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this." In his retelling he shifts Esther's understanding of herself from one of powerlessness as one of the servants of the king to a position of power in which she sees herself in a role of royal dignity. She is moved from fear to courage--all in the retelling of who she is."
(Excerpt from Telling the Better Story by Gil Rendle)

Telling our stories connects us to one another! Telling our stories effectively helps others to find their place in our story, so they can become participants in the next chapter.

Join us on the 20th to share in this special story and to find a way to connect to the story of Hope Community Church!


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