A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dimes for Diana

Every year at Women of Faith, the ladies who attend are introduce to building a better world for children. Last year, Lin and I considered sponsoring a child and passed on the opportunity. This year, we again did the same. This past weekend both of us were at the Revolve Tour with our teen girls and were again presented with the opportunity to sponsor a child. We, as the Women of Hope Directors have prayerfully decided to sponsor a child through World Vision. We are partnering with our teen girls to raise the necessary funds each month. We have chosen a child with a birthday of Sept. 12, the date of the Revolve Conference, to serve as a reminder of the lessons we learned.

Starting October 5th you will notice a Women of Hope table in the foyer on Sundays. On that table you will find a bank that says "Dimes for Diana." Our commitment is to raise at least $30 per month for one year. Will you help us by donating? We are looking for ladies who are willing to commit to a set amount each month, maybe $1.00 or $2.00 or even $10, if you are able. If all 167 women on our role could give $1.00 per month. Imagine how God could us to offer hope in the world and starting with one child, change the world!!!

Please join us in the small commitment! Hope changes everything!!!

We'd like to introduce you to our child.

Diana Isabella lives with her parents and has no brothers or sisters. Her parents struggle to provide for the family.

Diana Isabella is growing up in a poor rural community in the western region of Honduras. A typical home in the village is constructed of adobe bricks with tile and wood roofing. Families eat beans, rice, vegetables and chicken. It is hot and humid in this region, with lots of rain. Temperatures reach 80 degrees and fall to only 60 degrees. The local terrain is broken and uneven.

Diana Isabella is not in school at this time. She likes to play with dolls. She helps at home by learning to do small tasks. She is in satisfactory health.

Our sponsorship commitment will help provide Diana Isabella and her community with access to nutritious food and improved health care and hygiene. Our support will also provide educational opportunities for children and adults. Parents will receive skills training that will enable them to start their own small businesses, thus helping them provide better for their families. Through Christian witness and spiritual development, they will have a chance to know God's love.

Please partner with us in bringing hope to Diana through our "Dimes for Diana" ministry.


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