He said it was a hard hat area and this was the only hat he could find...

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The Rummage Sale is over!!! Thank you to all of the women and men who made our sale a huge success by donating your great items, your time and your muscle!!! We love you! And wouldn't have been able to do anything with out you!!! Our funds have been replenished and we will be able to plan an excellent Women's Centennial Event!
It was a crazy kind of weekend since we were trying to prepare the new building for our first Sunday! However, God blessed our ministry efforts and made the weekend fun and exciting. The anticipation for tomorrow is bubbling over and I pray that each of you will be able to attend our first Sunday in the new building that God has so graciously provided to us!!! Thank you again for your support!!!

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The Rummage Sale is over!!! Thank you to all of the women and men who made our sale a huge success by donating your great items, your time and your muscle!!! We love you! And wouldn't have been able to do anything with out you!!! Our funds have been replenished and we will be able to plan an excellent Women's Centennial Event!
It was a crazy kind of weekend since we were trying to prepare the new building for our first Sunday! However, God blessed our ministry efforts and made the weekend fun and exciting. The anticipation for tomorrow is bubbling over and I pray that each of you will be able to attend our first Sunday in the new building that God has so graciously provided to us!!! Thank you again for your support!!!
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