This past weekend, Fireproof, staring Kirk Cameron opened in theatres across the US. It is showing right here in Toledo, Maumee and Perrysburg. This movie is a must see for Christian couples. Please make it a date night with your spouse! Or if you can't do that just a night out with the girls!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Posted by Sharon McQueary at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
September Dinner & A Story
This past Saturday, the Women of Hope presented Dinner & A Story featuring Steve Kinsey, a local artist. Steve is a Christian man who feels led by God to paint extravagant renderings of churches that do not exist in reality and of landscapes. Just over 25 women and men, listened as Steve shared his story of how God has worked in his life through his talents. Please check out Steve's website. I have added it to our links on the right.
As always the food was divine and the fellowship was sweet! If you have never joined us for our Dinner & A Story events I encourage you to do so in the future. It is night where we eat together (potluck) and usually one woman shares her story of faith. This time we were blessed to have one man share his story of faith. Stay tuned for more information about our next Dinner & A Story.

Posted by Sharon McQueary at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
All Access
This past weekend Hope Community took 47 girls and women to Columbus, Ohio for the Revolve Tour. Revolve was created by Women of Faith. It is basically a Women of Faith for teens and preteens. Our girls experienced concerts by Hawk Nelson, Natalie Grant, Krystal Meyers, Group 1 Crew and the worship team. They heard speakers like Natalie Grant, Danielle Kimmey, Chad Eastham, Jenna Lucado and the Revolve Drama team (directed by Nicole Johnson) talk about what it means to have ALL ACCESS to God and giving God ALL ACCESS to them. They learned about loving themselves and valuing their lives. And they were presented with the opportunity to give God all access to their hearts and lives.
It was a phenomenal weekend! One in which, even us moms and chaperones learned about our relationship with God. And were reminded what it was like to be a young girl. Please pray for our teen girls! They are living in a world that is crushing their self-esteem, their value. If you are able and willing send our teens a card or note telling them there value to you, their value to our church, and most importantly their value to God! Our teens need us now more than ever before.

Posted by Sharon McQueary at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Dimes for Diana
Every year at Women of Faith, the ladies who attend are introduce to building a better world for children. Last year, Lin and I considered sponsoring a child and passed on the opportunity. This year, we again did the same. This past weekend both of us were at the Revolve Tour with our teen girls and were again presented with the opportunity to sponsor a child. We, as the Women of Hope Directors have prayerfully decided to sponsor a child through World Vision. We are partnering with our teen girls to raise the necessary funds each month. We have chosen a child with a birthday of Sept. 12, the date of the Revolve Conference, to serve as a reminder of the lessons we learned.
Starting October 5th you will notice a Women of Hope table in the foyer on Sundays. On that table you will find a bank that says "Dimes for Diana." Our commitment is to raise at least $30 per month for one year. Will you help us by donating? We are looking for ladies who are willing to commit to a set amount each month, maybe $1.00 or $2.00 or even $10, if you are able. If all 167 women on our role could give $1.00 per month. Imagine how God could us to offer hope in the world and starting with one child, change the world!!!
Please join us in the small commitment! Hope changes everything!!!
We'd like to introduce you to our child.
Diana Isabella lives with her parents and has no brothers or sisters. Her parents struggle to provide for the family.
Diana Isabella is growing up in a poor rural community in the western region of Honduras. A typical home in the village is constructed of adobe bricks with tile and wood roofing. Families eat beans, rice, vegetables and chicken. It is hot and humid in this region, with lots of rain. Temperatures reach 80 degrees and fall to only 60 degrees. The local terrain is broken and uneven.
Diana Isabella is not in school at this time. She likes to play with dolls. She helps at home by learning to do small tasks. She is in satisfactory health.
Our sponsorship commitment will help provide Diana Isabella and her community with access to nutritious food and improved health care and hygiene. Our support will also provide educational opportunities for children and adults. Parents will receive skills training that will enable them to start their own small businesses, thus helping them provide better for their families. Through Christian witness and spiritual development, they will have a chance to know God's love.
Please partner with us in bringing hope to Diana through our "Dimes for Diana" ministry.
Posted by Sharon McQueary at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Power of Our Story
The Women of Hope present our next
Dinner & A Story
Saturday, September 20th at 5:30 pm
This is a potluck event for women! Come share in the food, fellowship, fun and door prizes!
We will have a National Renowned Christian Artist share His story of faith!
You may ask why we share our stories. Here's a brief glimpse:
"In the story of Esther in the Hebrew Bible, Mordecai learns of a plot to destroy the Jews. Haman, an officer of King Ahasuerus, plots against the Jews because Mordecai, himself a Jew, will not bow down before him as did all the other servants of the king. When Mordecai, knowing that all will be lost if the king is not alerted, charges Esther with going to the king in her role as queen to plead on behalf of the Jews, Esther shrinks from the task because she has not been summoned to speak with the king, a considerable problem since those who speak uninvited are subject to death. But Mordecai is not put off. He retells Esther's own story in a way to empower and embolden her. "Who knows?" he says. "Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this." In his retelling he shifts Esther's understanding of herself from one of powerlessness as one of the servants of the king to a position of power in which she sees herself in a role of royal dignity. She is moved from fear to courage--all in the retelling of who she is."
(Excerpt from Telling the Better Story by Gil Rendle)
Telling our stories connects us to one another! Telling our stories effectively helps others to find their place in our story, so they can become participants in the next chapter.
Join us on the 20th to share in this special story and to find a way to connect to the story of Hope Community Church!
Posted by Sharon McQueary at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
Nazarenes on the Move! Past, Present, & Future
By Tim Jordan, Ph.D.
“This World is Not Our Home . . . or is it?”
“Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”
(Colossians 3: 1)
The year was 1929. The American stock market tumbled to the ground with a loud crash! The great stock market crash left the American economy in shambles and led to 10 years of a great depression. 2,500 banks in the United States failed and closed their doors. Many people lost everything. People could not pay their mortgages. Many foreclosures of homes, farms, and businesses.
By 1931, the unemployment rate had doubled to 16.3%. (300% higher than today). Due to a serious drought in the Midwest, food prices skyrocketed as the farm fields turned into dustbowls.
Many U.S. car manufacturers went out of business as people did not have money to buy cars.
The average wages per year in 1931 was $ 1,800. Gasoline was $ 0.10 per gallon. A loaf of bread was $ 0.08. A Ford Model A car cost $ 640.
Ah yes, 1931 was quite a year! Al Capone was convicted that year on tax fraud charges. The Empire State Building was completed and became the tallest building in the world. Work began on the Hoover Dam. Herbert Hoover was President of the United States and Charlie Chaplin’s film, “City Lights” became a top attraction.
That same year, a young married couple in Oregon Township on Cresceus Road, decided to organize a small group in their home and have weekly meetings on Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wescott began to invite their friends, neighbors, and co-workers to their new home group.
In just a few months, the small group of Christians grew quickly and outgrew the Westcott’s home. They moved to a vacant building that formerly housed a café.
On October 29, 1932, they officially formed a new church.
After counting the cost, and testifying to the Saving Grace of Jesus, and to the sanctifying power of the Power of the Holy Spirit, the fledgling congregation was officially organized as the Third Church of the Nazarene.
This group of committed, faithful believers continued to share their faith with others and the church continued to grow. They moved out of the vacant café to a rented hall and then moved again to a larger storefront.
In late 1934, church members gave $ 700 for the construction of the new church building. By 1936, the new building was complete and became known as the East Broadway Church of the Nazarene.
Throughout the decades of the 40’s and 50’s God continued to nurture and grow this community of Nazarenes, bringing about another time of transition and relocation.
In the late 1950’s, property was purchased at 2350 Starr Ave. in Oregon and construction began on a larger church. People of the church gave sacrificially of their time, talents, and money . . . some even mortgaging their homes to help pay for construction costs. On July 16, 1961, the Oregon First Church of the Nazarene was dedicated to the Lord.
In 1999, after much prayer and deliberation, church leaders agreed that the facility and property at 2350 Starr Avenue was too small to meet the needs of future generations.
After four years of searching for property, God miraculously provided 38 acres of property on Starr Avenue Extension. In April of 2003, the congregation unanimously voted to purchase the property. In April of 2004, the congregation voted to relocate to the new property.
On Sunday September 7, 2008, the congregation worshipped together for the first time in the new facility that God provided. The congregation praised God enthusiastically as they celebrated God’s grace and goodness! At the start of the service that morning, they rose to their feet as one, raised their hands to heaven, and shouted, “Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord!”

Posted by Sharon McQueary at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A Huge Success

Glitter Text Generator
The Rummage Sale is over!!! Thank you to all of the women and men who made our sale a huge success by donating your great items, your time and your muscle!!! We love you! And wouldn't have been able to do anything with out you!!! Our funds have been replenished and we will be able to plan an excellent Women's Centennial Event!
It was a crazy kind of weekend since we were trying to prepare the new building for our first Sunday! However, God blessed our ministry efforts and made the weekend fun and exciting. The anticipation for tomorrow is bubbling over and I pray that each of you will be able to attend our first Sunday in the new building that God has so graciously provided to us!!! Thank you again for your support!!!
Posted by Sharon McQueary at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
First Sunday
This Sunday, September 7th, will be the first Sunday in our new Ministry Center at 5650 Starr Ave., Oregon, Ohio. The excitement is rising! Work is still being done! Sunday School is at 915 am and Worship service is at 10:30 am. Please join us!! We'd love to have see you there!
Posted by Sharon McQueary at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Rummage Sale
9 am - 5 pm
Hope Community Church
5650 Starr Ave.
Oregon, Ohio
Posted by Sharon McQueary at 7:44 AM 0 comments