A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sharing Our Faith - Con't

Here are a couple more responses to "What do you do to share your faith or plant seeds in others?"

One thing that I have done to share my faith is to have a bible study at

- Jody Hamilton

We grocery shop at ALDI's alot. The other day, when I was getting breakfast ready, I opened up the carton of eggs and guess what I found? On the inside of the lid was Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." WHAT A GREAT WAY TO START YOUR DAY!!! I wonder whoever came up with this idea? A Christian farmer? This was too cool. I think we all need to start dropping little subconscious notes about our Lord. I enjoy writting 'John 3:16' in the dust or dirt anywhere I go. Maybe someone will notice.

- Melody & Steve Bancer

Rock and I have used Pastor Mark's suggestion to ask our waitress if we can
pray for any specific requests, and have had one waitress, come back before
we left, and say how much she appreciated our prayer for her daughter, and
that she had never had anyone ask if they could pray for her before with
tears in her eyes. I also have given many books, and bibles as gifts, that I felt would plant a seed, create questions, or even cause the person to seek a relationship with Christ. Last Christmas, my son and I went to a few different stores such as Walmart, Big Lots, and Value City with envelopes with a small Christmas book by Max Lacado that shared the gospel, along with a $25.00-$50.00 in each envelope. We tried to find those we felt were in need, and just walked up to them as they approached the checkout line and handed them the envelope, and said Merry Christmas, and walked away. I also wrote a personal note to them in the book. There is another book I've used at Easter time, called He Did This Just for You, a small paperback version by Max Lacado, a powerful little book, to give away with an Easter Basket, cookies, or maybe a bread. I've done this for my neighbors. Like Tim said, we have to use our voice to share our faith. It's like "show and tell". You don't get up in front of the class and just stand there silent with what you bring in, you have to "tell" to. It's not easy, and I am convicted also of not doing it enough, but I'm praying that I "tell" more often!

- Kim Donofrio


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