A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Sunday, January 27, 2008

How did the Church grow so...

fast in the beginning?

"The enormous numerical growth of the church in its first centuries lead us to the question of what methods it used to achieve such growth. The answer may surprise some modern Christians, for the ancient church knew nothing of 'evangelistic services' or 'revivals.' On the contrary, in the early church worship centered on communion, and only baptized Christians were admitted to its celebration. Therefore evangelism did not take place in church services, but rather...in kitchens, shops and markets...most converts were made by anonymous Christians who witness led others to their faith"

~ Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity

When the church began, almost 2000 years ago, most people were won to Christ by nameless Christians, not the apostles, not the famous names we all know. But those who cared enough to share their faith. It would be comparable to us saying, that the majority of people today aren't led to the Lord by Joel Olsteen or Beth Moore, but by us (the nameless Christians) sharing our story of God's faithfulness to us (our testimony!)

WOW!! What a thought! You and I have the opportunity to witness and lead others to their faith in Christ! In fact, we are called to do it. We won't all be great authors or phenomenal speakers, however, we all have a phenomenal story of faith. No matter how you may feel about your story, God WILL use it for His glory! He will bless it and produce fruit! Just as He did in the first century church!!! Share it and give God the glory for who you are and what He has done!!


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