A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Practical Ways We Share Our Faith

This past Sunday, Tim Jordan preached about sharing our faith not just in our actions, but also in our words. We've asked our ladies to tell us their ways of sharing their faith and planting seeds in those they meet. Here are the answers that have poured in already! If you'd like to share, you can either comment below or email me your ways to share your faith! This is our opportunity to learn from each other!

Having been in Florida this past week with my mom I had the opportunity to share my faith yet again with her. But this time it was in a new and exciting way that I truly believe planted seeds. My mom asked me why I felt that my sister drank. I told my mom the following: God has created us each to have a relationship with Him and that when we do not have that relationship with Him we search for it in differant places trying to fill that void that is with in us. I went on to explain that
people try to fill the void with drugs alcohol gambling sex, and so on. I said
that till that void is filled with a relationship with God that we will never be
satisfied and will continue to search.
– Diane Thorn

Discussion at lunch table today. Being willing to give up everything and serve Jesus in another Country. Wow what an opportunity!!
– Sue Trim

Well, I try more and more everyday to live it! That’s a race I love to run! And I find not so tiring when you’re really relying on the Holy Spirit to help. But I also do specific things. I have personalized plates “JC 4 ME” – example: a couple walked in front of me in the parking lot. I politely stopped and waved them by. He looked at my license plate and pointed it out to the woman. I use my blog www.clanmcqueary.blogspot.com by giving it to everyone I can think of – it’s a great way to let people know my heart without having to strike up those awkward conversations with them. It opens doors and has sparked good conversations after they have read. I try to give credit to God for everything.
- Sharon McQueary

I would have to say that I start by telling friends and family that I joined a new church and how much I enjoy it. Usually, they ask me questions, and that allows me to share with them how much Christ means to me, and gives me the opportunity to ask them if they would like to come visit some Sunday and see for themsleves just how friendly this church is.

- Bev Andrews

When I was in my doctor's office we were talking about what I like to do and I
told him I teach a care group. He asked me about my faith and I told him that we are a Bible based church and when you study the Bible it helps guide your life. He then told me about what he believes and we compared notes. It was great to know that he is a Christian man.
- Sharon Lestage

One of the ways we share our faith is by reading scripture and praying together as a family each night. We not only share our faith, but the events of the day which many times ends in the family laughing together. We continue to do this when any friends stay over which is usually every weekend. Before we pray, we ask our guest if they have any prayer concerns. Jonathan had a friend over Friday who had never spent the night with us before. It was neat to see him respond and take part in our family devotions.
- Kim Snyder

One way I share my faith is when people talk about good things happening I praise God and let them know that it is because of our kind Lord that these things happen.
- Heather Pottker

I have given my testimony at a womens retreat and to the congregation of the church where I use to attend. But as far as bringing it into everyday conversation I don't believe I have done that, at least not intentionally or with any knowledge that that was what I was doing.
- Karen Hollo

I "chit-chat" with store clerks/cashiers, and try to make a comment about how glad I am that they had a certain item in stock TODAY. Then, I just say to them something like, "Isn't God great? He just keeps looking out after me. " Lots of times I get very positive responses, but when I get "He ain't done jack squat for me lately", (or something to this effect), I try to take the time to "plant the seed again, and usually I ask lightly while I'm paying or acting like I can't find my money, (most of the time I'm not acting) "Oh, yeah? Why do you say that?" or " He's the only one that's never let me down. What happened to you?" In the stores that I frequent I've gotten to know some people, at least just to sincerely ask how they're doing. I can turn the conversation into a testimony just by mentioning how I adopted a son, or that my son has special needs, or that I have health issues, and that God has guided and helped me through it all. I usually try to pick up on something they've said first that I can relate to. I can't stand talking about myself, but I'm the only one I know intimately enough to tell people lots of stories on what He's done for me. Then, I just tell them I flat out wouldn't be living and standing there having a great conversation with them if it weren't for God. Then I tell them how much talking with them has blessed me, and I walk away. On the way to my car, I pray for them.

- Rene' Hamilton

Again, if you'd like to share your thoughts on sharing your faith, please comment or email us. Our prayer is that you will be able to pick up some tips or new ideas from this compilation of faith stories.


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