A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Looking for YOU!!!

Women's Ministries is looking for YOU!!!!

We need your help! This is your chance to get involved in the planning and preparation for many upcoming events.
We are looking for dedicated women (or just creative women!) to join our planning teams for the United Day of Prayerful Fasting on Sept. 20th, our Christmas Celebration on Dec. 8th (there is BIG NEWS about this - you will not want to miss it!) and for our winter retreat in February.

This is an exciting time in Women's Ministries. There are so many things in the works. Our council is energized and ready to help you connect with our faith community, as well as come alongside you on your faith walk to help you grow and change in Christ.

Please come on aboard and join the fun!


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