A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


This past Sunday, September 16th was a monumentous day in the life of Oregon Nazarene Church. After several years of anticipation, we were finally able to dedicate our 38 acres on Starr Ext. in Oregon as holy land and break some ground there on the property.

It was an exciting day. After our Sunday morning service, the congregation piled into our cars and caravaned to our new property - police escort and all! It was quite a thing to be a part of. Once on the Starr Ext. we all parked down the road about 1/2 mile and began to walk (and ride golf carts) to the new property. I can only imagine the neighbors thoughts as they watched nearly 200 people parading down the street and gathering in the soybean field that is soon to be ONC's new ministry center.

Our District Superintendent, Larry Fairbanks, joined us for the day. He had the privilege of dedicating the land to the Lord's use. Our church board were the first to break ground. Second, came the children. We all brought shovels for the kids to break ground, since this ministry center is the legacy we are building for them. Everyone took part after that!!!

God is SO GOOD! Here are some pictures of the day. Including pics of some of our very special women at ONC. Look close and you will see the joy of the day expressed on their faces.


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