A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Friday, September 28, 2007

Dinner & A Story

This evening Women's Ministries had our second Dinner & A Story. All I can say - next time we are bringing tissues!!!! We'll have them on the tables for everyone. Ladies, it's not that it was sad. There is nothing like sitting in a room with women who are laughing, crying and growing in Christ together. If you have missed our Dinner & A Story's, we encourage you to come to the next.

The atmosphere is always safe. It is a place that you can connect with the women at ONC. It is a night that you are able to get to know one woman in a very personal way through her testimony. Tonight, Kim Donofrio spoke for us. (And yes, I left my camera at home! Sorry!) Kim has attended ONC for about 9 months and we have been so blessed by her families attendance. Her family has definitely been grafted into the family at ONC.

Every women in the room was able to relate to Kim's story. We have entered the room one way and have left forever changed. Words cannot express the depth of fellowship this evening. God was truly there with us this evening! There's no denying!

Thank you Kim from the bottom of our hearts! Your courage to share has inspired us all!!!!! We are truly blessed to have you as a Sister in Christ!


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