A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Centennial Friday Night

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On Friday, October 3rd, Women's and Men's Ministries hosted a Night out at the Naz. Originally, to be to separate events, one men's and one women's, we decided to combine efforts and have one big bash!!! And that it was! The ladies had massages, facials, foot soaks and hand treatments and the guys had ESPN. We also had prizes and games! It was a great night!

We learned that if you ever need anything and you can't find it at church, ask a woman and she just may have it in her purse! Whether it's ketchup, mayonnaise, a bandaid, or tweezers! Chances are there is a lady in the church who has exactly what you need hiding in her purse!

We had a Hog Roast and cheesecake! Thanks bunches to the ladies who brought side dishes! Overall, we heard "When are we going to do this again?" And don't worry, we'll start working on another night out very soon!!!


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