A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Friday, May 2, 2008

AOL rejects all Bex.net incoming mail

To my shock and surprise last night I sent out an email to all of my ladies on my group list for the Women of Hope and about half of them were returned to me undeliverable. If this has ever happened to you, you know how frustrating it is to have one email sent back, while I had about 40 sent back all at once. AOL has blocked all incoming email from Buckeye-express, which means I am unable to email most of my ladies and most of my family. As you can imagine, I was quite livid. Today the problem still exists. Buckeye is working on it, however, they have said it is completely in AOL's hands as to when they will once again allow buckeye customers to email AOL customers. Please, if you are an AOL customer please call AOL customer service and let them know that this interrupts your service and your life.

Tomorrow evening is our Daughters of the King Banquet!! Are you coming??? I hope so! It's going to be such a blessing!

check out our new poll for the month. And please vote!!!! I know there are more than just 4 or 5 reading at this blog!! :)


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