A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Praise and Worship in an unlikely spot...

my living room! Well, the place wasn't so unusual but the engine that brought it was: American Idol. For the past several weeks, something has been happening on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. It started with Jason Castro singing "Hallelujah" with its religious undertones and moved onto Dolly Parton and her very much Christian repertoire. Onto Dolly singing "Jesus and Gravity" and confessing Christ on the American Idol stage to millions. I was so excited!!!

Many of you know that I was out of town this past Thursday. Well, on Idol Gives Back on Wednesday there again was the Christian undertow, however, my TV cut off the finale which was the finalists singing, none other that "Shout to the Lord." I missed it!!! I also missed the repeat performance of that very same song on Thursday. American Idol in just a few short weeks went from a minor mention of Biblical figures to a full-blown praise and worship segment!!!

I sat down just this evening to watch last Thursday show. This is when I discovered the repeat performance of "Shout to the Lord." I sat in my living room praising God in the most unlikely way while watching American Idol. I raised my hands and praised Him for making American Idol an engine for His gospel. Millions of people heard His praise and His glory! I had goosebumps and tears. Ladies, our God is so faithful to show Himself to us, we just need to open our eyes and hearts and listen. He is stretching His arms out beckoning us to Him. I pray that you are responding, that you are following and that you are clinging to His old rugged cross because it is there and there alone that we find our salvation!!! It is there that we find hope for our future!!! Shout to the Lord, ladies because He is our hope and our redemption!!!!



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