Women's Ministries went out on a limb and tried something new. Thank you to all the women who dragged their husbands, boyfriends, sons and friends out to join us for a very special evening at the Spaghetti Warehouse in the Downtown Toledo. The night was a success!
When we started Dinner & A Story nearly a year ago, it was a potluck dinner, fellowship and a story of one woman's walk of faith. They have been so great. Over the year we have learned so much from the women God has given to speak to us.
Without having a building right now, we had come up with the idea to go out to eat instead of a potluck. And our minds just rolled from there. Within minutes we were having a couple speak since February is the month of love and there couldn't just be one man, we would have to invite them all. So we came up with Valentine's Dinner & A Story which was the same as before but with a twist. I must say we were a little nervous at first. But we ended up with thirty-six people on Friday night!!

Doug & Tracy Rogowski shared their story of love and faith with those in attendance. It is always hard to stand in front of a crowd and share your life story. We thank them so much for being willing to do such a scary thing. But more importantly for being obedient to God's calling to speak. Because of them, I would say that no one walked out of the dinner the same! They truly were a blessing! Thank you again!
Here are some pics that Betty Metz has turned in. If you have any pics of the evening email them to me and I will get them posted. 

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