A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

March 5th Begins our next Bible Study

Well, as of this evening, we have officially finished our study of Beth Moore's Daniel! WOW! What a ride! God is so good! And we have all lived through it!! PRAISE HIM!!! If you participated in this study, you know exactly what I am talking about.

When you are doing something good, like studying the Word of God and hiding it in your heart! Satan attacks head on! I know that I have felt this myself over the last 12 weeks. This was a hard study! I'm so proud of each of you that have taken it on! Wasn't it worth it? Share with us some of the things you learned. Just scroll down to the post of this post and click on comments. You don't have to have a website to comment. Choose nickname and put in your name, again you don't need a URL (leave that blank) and hit publish comment.
Mark your Calendars - the next Bible study starts

Wednesday, March 5th
6:45-8 pm
Christ UMC
at Starr Ext. & Stadium
Stay tuned for info on
which study we will be doing!!!
Also remember that our Bible study is during Caravans. So please enroll your children in Caravans if they aren't already! You can check out the church website for more info on that.


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