A Ministry of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene, Oregon, Ohio

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

“In 2009, I resolve to build and strengthen relationships that my gracious God has so blessed me with. I resolve to fortify the friendships that God has already placed in my life by spending more time with the people I treasure. I am determined to take relationships beyond their current borders, to reach out to those in my sphere of influence and create opportunities to get to know everyone even better.”

That was my 2009 resolution. As I look back over the year, I believe that I have finally made it through a year with the ability to say that I was successful in my resolution. I got to know people better. I invited people over for dinner more often. I stopped to listen, many times putting aside a schedule in order to be present in someone else’s life. I made new friends, and I strengthened old relationships.

It is no mistake that this resolution was kept. Because unlike, vowing to make it to the gym or to try that new diet, or spend less or maybe even spend more…building relationships was what we were created to do! God created us to be in relationship with Him and He created us to be together! He created us to do life together! Not to be alone! My 2009 resolution was successful because it was God’s plan from the beginning, not because of anything I did or didn’t do, but because God was there with me. And I make that same resolution this year!

My prayer is that as a Church, we will work even harder to build and strengthen the relationships that God has given us. We are a family! May 2010 be a year of journeying together!!!! Keep your eyes open and your hearts willing because together with Christ we can do anything!!!!

Happy New Year to all of you! May God so richly bless you and your family in 2010! And may He tarry just a little longer; there is still much work to be done! May He give us all perseverance to make it through the tough times that lie ahead clinging to Him as our foundation. May we all keep the faith and stand firm in His glory and Word. As Isaiah said, if we do not stand firm in our faith, we will not stand at all! I pray that God will give us the peace and strength to stand firm in our faith together!


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