What a blessing God is! What miracles He can and does perform!
Ladies, I've said before and I'll say it again - We serve an AWESOME God!!!!! All praise and glory goes to Him for this evening!!!! And for Karen Alexander-Doyel are guest speaker and sister-in-Christ!
Karen spoke on her continuing testimony! Giving us an update on her health and her joy! She spoke about Psalm 119 - David, a man after God's own heart! Summary: Psalm 119 is all about God's Word: loving it, reading it, following it - John 1:1 tells us that Jesus Christ is God's Word. David was a man after God's own heart because he loved God's Son, Jesus Christ the Word before he even knew he existed! How awesome is that!!! Ladies, if we really want to know Jesus Christ and His ways, all we need to do is open our Bibles! He is the Word of God!
Thank you Karen! For your obedience to the Lord and for being a light in our lives!!! We love you!!
Here are some great pictures! Thanks to our so professional photographers, Sandi and Erin Leiser!! Thank you, girls! We appreciate these pics! Also thank you to each lady who served at the party by decorating and undecorating for us!!! You are a blessing!!!! 

We had several new faces at this celebration! If you brought a friend, please let them know about this site! So they can check it out!!!
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